Founded in 1950, Santa Catalina School is an independent, Catholic, day and boarding school for girls in California.
We are located on 36 acres in beautiful Monterey, a two-hour drive south of San Francisco.Our students choose from a variety of academic offerings, including 11 Advanced Placement (AP) classes, 19 Advanced Topics (AT) classes, and our signature marine ecology research program.
We also offer a wide range of visual and performing arts electives, including theatre, digital media, photography, and dance.
Our students discover skills, talents, and interests they never knew existed within themselves-whether it's playing one of 12 interscholastic sports, or leading a club, or serving the greater community.
Class sizes are small and are taught the way girls learn most effectively, often with open discussion and group projects.
The Catalina experience is about asking deeper questions, taking braver chances, and making bolder mistakes-to become leaders that impact their communities and the world around them.
AT: Computer Science & Technology, AT: Dramatic Literature, AT: History Research Seminars (6), AT: Mandarin Chinese, AT: Marine Ecology Research 3, AT: Multivariable Calculus, AT: Philosophy, AT: Physics w/ Tigonometry, AT: Physics w/Calculus, AT: Shakespeare, AT: Spanish Literature, AT: Statistics, AT: The Art of Rhetoric, AT: The Reality of Fantasy, Biology AP, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry AP, English Literature AP, French Language AP, Mandarin Chinese AP, Music Theory AP, Spanish Language AP, US History AP
Basketball, Cross Country, Field Hockey, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Swimming and Diving, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball, Water Polo
Club or Organization:
Accents (Dance), Alegria, BURRITO (improv group), Catalina Children's Fund, Catalinan (Yearbook), Chemistry Club, Chinese Culture Club, ECCO (a capella), French Culture Club, Health and Wellness Committee, Jewish Cultural Club, Korean Culture Club, Lady Rhythmics (body percussion), Lamplighter (Student Newspaper), Math Tutoring Center, Mock Trial, Model United Nations, Mosaic (Literary Magazine), Movie Club, National Honor Society, Peace and Justice, R4 (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Renew), Reverb (Music Group), Robotics Team, Safe Space, Spanish Language and Culture Club, Student Senate, Students of Color Affinity Group, TEDxSantaCatalinaSchool, Thespian Society, Wildlife Club
Arts and Music Programs:
Ballet (Pointe), Choir, Contemporary Dance, Digital Media, Hip-Hop Dance, Instrumental Ensemble, Jazz Dance, Musical Theatre Dance, Photography (Darkroom), Private music lessons, Tap Dance