Use your scientific knowledge to influence policy decisions.
Nonprofit Organizations Focused on Environmental Issues Close Accordion Open AccordionBe an advocate for environmental protection and sound policy decisions.
Private Sector Jobs Focused on Consulting or Regulatory Compliance Close Accordion Open AccordionWork as a consultant to address threats to the environment.
City or County Planning Close Accordion Open AccordionAssess and plan the use of land, community areas and other urban locations.
Gain scholarly background and skills necessary to understand and solve environmental problems
Understand effects environmental processes have on society and effects society has on those processes
Focus on relationships between humans, other organisms, and the physical, chemical, and biological aspects that influence environments
Lead and manage in public governance, and participate in and contribute to the policy process and communicate and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry
Analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions and articulate and apply a public values perspective
Environmental Sciences and Public Administration, M.S. /MPA Program OverviewThe dual-degree program is offered jointly by the Departments of Environmental Sciences and Public and International Affairs.
Full-time students will earn two degrees – a Master of Science in Environmental Sciences (M.S. EVS) and a Master of Public Administration (MPA) – in three years, as opposed to four years if enrolled separately.
This degree option is specifically for students who want to bridge the communication gap between environmental science and public policy.
EVS 501 | Introduction to Environmental Problems & Policy |
EVS 515 | Field Methods in Environmental Sciences |
EVS 516 | Field Methods for Coastal Environments |
EVS 518 | Fundamentals of Applied Environmental Research |
MPA 500 | Public Management |
MPA 505 | Policy Analysis |
MPA 502 | Public Human Resources Management |
Applicants seeking admission to the dual M.S. Environmental Sciences and MPA Public Administration degree programs must submit an application and application fees for consideration to both programs.
Students must be successfully admitted to both degree programs, in accordance with each program’s standards and requirements.