Discount dental programs may offer attractive cost-savings on dental services, but what are they, how do they work, and are they worth it?
Discount dental programs, also called dental savings plans, are annual, fee-based plans you buy outright. They are offered by some insurers, like Cigna Healthcare SM , as well as separate vendors. They are not dental insurance. These discount plans work like a membership program to offer you discounts/savings on various kinds of dental services. They may also come with added other benefits.
Dental savings plans are annual fee-based membership programs. They may help you save on dental costs, depending on your needs and your family’s needs. Here is how a discount dental program, or dental savings plan, typically works:
Cigna Healthcare offers a variety of affordable dental plans, from basic plans that cover preventive care to plans that help cover major dental care.
When you’re considering how to spend your money on dental care, it’s important to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of discount dental plans.
It depends on your situation and needs. Here are some questions to ask yourself when deciding whether to buy a discount dental program vs. traditional dental plan.
Is it just yourself, or is it your whole family? Costs add up. If your whole family is going to need all their preventive care, as well as other services like teeth extraction and fillings for cavities, you’ll want to do the math. Remember, “discount” doesn’t mean free.
With a full coverage dental insurance plan there is no upfront annual fee—you’ll pay a monthly premium, instead. This may be a per person monthly premium if you’re covering a family.
Is it simply preventive (oral exam, cleaning, routine X-rays)? Or is it fillings for cavities, crowns, root canals, or cosmetic? The type of dental care you will need may make a big difference in your out-of-pocket costs between a discount dental program vs. a full coverage dental plan.
A traditional dental plan covers your preventive dental 100%, in most cases. This is one of the benefits of traditional dental insurance. There are various types of traditional dental plans that may provide coverage for other kinds of dental care, as well.
Discount dental programs require you to pay an upfront membership fee. The programs are good for a year. In addition, you will pay an out-of-pocket cost for each dental service you receive. Some or all of those services will be discounted, depending on the plan you buy.
With traditional dental insurance you pay a monthly premium. The premium can vary based on the plan and amount of coverage. If you need a plan to cover just the basics like preventive dental, your monthly premium will be lower and most preventive dental care is covered 100%.
Dental insurance that covers more than preventive may also come with a deductible and coinsurance. Even then, if it comes with a provider network, the cost of dental care and procedures is already discounted. It’s been negotiated between your insurer and dentists in the network. Even after your monthly premiums, deductible, and any coinsurance, the discounted rate from your insurance plan may be lower than what you’d pay using a discount dental program.
Discount dental programs (or dental savings plans) come with no waiting period. This means you can buy into the program and immediately start using it to get dental care.
Some full coverage dental plans include a waiting period, especially for dental services that are complex and costly. There may be no waiting period for preventive dental care.
Discount dental programs are not insurance themselves, they are a fee-based membership program. That means you could buy a discount dental program even if you have dental insurance. Here are two examples:
Let’s say you buy a traditional dental insurance plan from an insurer like Cigna Healthcare and it covers you for preventive as well as some restorative dental services. But perhaps you want some cosmetic dental work done, such as teeth whitening, or veneers. Your traditional dental insurance plan will typically not cover cosmetic procedures. In this case, you might decide to buy a discount dental program that offers you discounts on costly cosmetic dental services.
Or, let’s say you need a lot of dental care during the year. Buying a dental discount program in addition to your dental insurance may be a good financial move for you. It may help you continue saving money if you use up the total annual benefits from your dental insurance plan before your plan year ends.
When deciding if a discount dental program, or dental savings plan, is worth it, be sure to add up the costs along with your expected dental needs.
For more information on a Cigna Healthcare dental discount program, visit us at, or call .
This content is general health information and not medical advice or services. Always consult with your doctor/dentist for appropriate examinations, treatment, testing, and health care recommendations.
Individual and family medical and dental insurance plans are insured by Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company (CHLIC), Cigna HealthCare of Arizona, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Illinois, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Georgia, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of North Carolina, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of South Carolina, Inc., and Cigna HealthCare of Texas, Inc. Group health insurance and health benefit plans are insured or administered by CHLIC, Connecticut General Life Insurance Company (CGLIC), or their affiliates (see a listing of the legal entities that insure or administer group HMO, dental HMO, and other products or services in your state). Accidental Injury, Critical Illness, and Hospital Care plans or insurance policies are distributed exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of The Cigna Group Corporation, are administered by Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, and are insured by either (i) Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company (Bloomfield, CT). The Cigna Healthcare name, logo, and other Cigna Healthcare marks are owned by The Cigna Group Intellectual Property, Inc.
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