In order for you to find the most up-to-date version of the many Medicaid Eligibility & Service Manuals, we have changed this DMAHS web page.
Instead of searching through a long list here, only to find a chapter of the Code which may not yet have been updated on our DMAHS website, we are now providing a link directly to the actual host site for the New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C.), which is LexisNexis.
The New Jersey Eligibility and Service Manuals are hosted by the LexisNexis free public access site for the N.J.A.C.
Here are instructions to the LexisNexis site:To browse the Eligibility and Service manuals, click on the link below (a new window will open). Please note that pop-ups must be enabled to view the manuals.
After agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, click on the N.J.A.C. folder on the left, then click Title 10.
From here you can select the chapter, subchapter and section of the DMAHS rule that you would like to view.